Last weekend we spent 2 days at Scott Carson’s Mastermind in Dallas Texas. Afterward we went to the Quest Expo (more about this next week).
We met many amazing Note Investors with various backgrounds from Oil and Gas, NASA, Real Estate, drag racing to name a few. Questions were asked of the group, and advice and support were offered. Hot topics included: note sources, due diligence, case studies, marketing and asset protection.
Some of the key take-aways were:
- The other Mastermind participants were very willing to help us tune up our business
- Everyone has their own niche and their own strengths
- Work together in Coopetition helps all of us to get better
There were a handful of Michigan Note investors at the Mastermind. We discussed how to work together more effectively and are making plans to start a Meet up for Note investors locally.
A big shout out for the winners of the WCN Awards.
1. Social Media Superstars – Gail Vellanueva and Bill Griesmer
2. Note investor of the year – Chris Seveney
3. Most improved Note investor – Laura Blunk
We also got to meet and talk to a number of our vendors that help us with different areas of the business. You can see their pictures below.
Phil and Melanie

Shante Duffy – Servicing Expert with Madison Management Services – Handles our servicing

Franco Barile – Lawyer with Sottile and Barile for MI, OH, and IN notes

Mike Jordan – Strategy Properties – They acquire assets, rehab them and turn them in to rentals for sale in the Detroit market.